To whoever it may concern: If you're expecting a reply, here it is. Firstly, I only said u taught me how to smile. I didn't say u put a smile across my face nor did u teach me my way through life. So dun talk as if u did. Next, its so funny how u can contradict urself when u say u miss me and u dun want me back. Hah! Get ur thots rite first my dear. I never said i wanted you back too. And just incase if u haven't been catching up with my earlier posts I've said a long time back tht I've found the rite ones now. And hello u left me? We left each other, at the same time. And i've long gone been over you since the moment i decided not to talk to you or tht there was no point in talking and finding out wad e prob is. In case if u dun understand wad tht means, it equates to not wanting u back too(: I noe i'm being very mean here but honey, think abt urself first. Rmb how u used to tell me things abt ur bumble bee? Rmb how u used to tell me things abt ur passionate ants? Rmb how u used to tell me things abt Riz? Now can i ask u the same question. Did ur opinions on them change only after we left each other? In other words are u making use of all of them? I dun think so rite? Its funny how a person can say tht someone was breathing into her atmosphere only after abt 2 years of friendship. Face it honey, u're jealous. And tht is why i feel betrayed. How someone so close to u can actually be jealous of you. And my dear, rage=anger and one of the reasons why anger sprouts is bcoz of jealousy. Its humans' tendency to change the way they think just like how they change and adapt to the situation coming ahead. And my dear its only after one changes the way they think tht they are able to change themself. They work together. The mind controls ur body. Yes u've changed and just like tht my opinions have changed too. U being a human as well, I'm sure ur opinions on ppl change as well. I'm not here to ask u why or anything bcoz yes like wad u said its over n it doesn't bother me anymore. but u saying something like tht abt me, nah, i'm not the kind of person who lets u talk all u want and i just sit down like a harmless pussy, not saying anything(: U have ur own reasons on why and how ur opinions on those ppl that i've just stated above change n i have mine too. I find no reason in explaining them to u bcoz u dunno me anymore. U've got ur own life now n i have mine. Yup tht's it. And yes god bless and all the best to u too. Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM |
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