on Sunday, November 1, 2009 , 8:51 AM
1 week down, 2 weeks to go!
4 Subs down
And 4 more to go!
WTH man!
This week were all e Eng and Maths papers.
As for next week,
Wish me luck!
I need all e luck i can get!
Its the humanities!

Ok, Whites and Blues, if there's anything stopping me from getting u, tat'll be the humanities, whoever made tht a compulsory subject? Go and die!

Ok, fine! No complaining! Back to mugging! Hey does tht rhyme? Ok forget i said tht!
Goodbye bloggy and Goodmornin' world!

14 days to go!
Its a nice number.
But i dun think its nice enough for this situation.
Nonetheless, it is the test for patience,
to realise your capabilities,
my capabilities.
If it is to be, it is up to me.
We'll see how things goes.


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama