on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 , 10:51 PM

This week started off really bad, it still is bad. Dun like it at all. But anyway, I'll start from the top.

So Monday I had hip hop enrichment! It was cool coz I learnt a new type of dance but it was difficult, really requires alot of discipline and a great amount of effort if I wanna learn it in the future. But ahhhh, we'll see how. I've got plans :) Plus I went up on stage! How cool was that? But nah, was just for a while, no big deal. We were supposed to coreograph steps pertaining to each body parts for 4 counts of 8 or is 8 counts of 4? Ahhhhh, 4 x 8 la k! Then me and another girl from my group went up. I was saboed, so I saboed back e one who saboed me, since I had e liberty to pick one more person! Hah! Haha, but it was fun, erm, ok la. Haha.

Then Tuesday was MT and PW day. Really boring day! School ended at like 11.30am! I got back my MT paper too and I got a freaking B overall! Like WTH! K I admit, I didn't study for MT coz I paid more attention to the other H1s and H2s but I did not have an intention to do that at an expense of getting a B for MT! That was totally unacceptable! But ahhhh, hopefully, e sacrifice was worth it. In other words, I really hope my other subjects are better off. *Cross fingers* And then since we were released early, Pooja, Visha and I decided to go catch a movie. Yes it is my 2nd movie after promos! Like my god, I feel so happy! I'm finally having a life! Nat asked me tdy, "I thought JC ppl do not have a life?" Great, so this is wad people think of us. TYVM. Hahahaha! So moving on.

Wednesday, oh that's today we had learning journey. My class, S13 and S14 went to this envision gallery. Its some weird place in Environment building, opposite Sheraton hotel. So we were all there. Tour guide was telling us things about I dunno wad. Coz I wasn't paying attention. Shikin's camera distracted me. And I was snapping photos of anything and everything for that pass 1hr ++ Felt good. Coz the morning started out really badly. And I was so sad that I didn't have my cam with me :( So I thank Shikin from the bottom of my heart for lending me her cam and making my day :) Though I think 90% of her cam's memory space is filled with today's pic!! O.o Hahahaha! And then also, I thank Visha, Pooja & Atiqah for comforting me and trying to get me off my grumpy mood early in the morning. I HATE IT WHEN ANYBODY SPOILS MY MOOD EARLY IN THE MORNING! AND I MEAN ANYBODY! K wadeva. So I had physio after that at 3. Visha and Vathsala accompanied me :) So nice of them :) Saw my cousin and Ms Phua along the way. JP is such a common place. Haha. And good news, I do not have to go for physio anymore! cool or wad! But that is if my neck probs do not come back again. And I hope my neck gets back its proper curvature again. Imagine a straight neck! God! But its freaky painful! Haha, k so moving on. Caught up with Janah, Sirin, Anita, Yukie and Nat like just just now at JP. Freaking long since we last met! So we got dinner and walked to the park area behind JP, near SAFRA and we tried to look for a place to sit n eat our food but the place was invaded by rats and frogs and gosh, wad not. So we had to keep changing from one place to another. Was epic funny. We had to rush thru our food to prevent the invasion of more rats! None of us could eat our food in peace! Hahaha! Was really epic funny! Hahaha! Then after that we just slacked and... slacked? Hahaha. Pretty soon I had to leave, so yea, here I am.

And I've got PW to do. Tmr's OP presentation and I gotta rush thru my alcohol tutorial too. Ms Ng has threatened us that she would not return us our chem paper tmr if we do not finish our tutorial. So yea :( I dun even know if I've got time to do it. But oh well, PW comes first for now :P Hahaha! Its supposed to be break day after promos, but its not exactly break yet. I think Nat maybe is rite after all. We dun rly hv a life till our 2 years of JC ends. Which is why my classmates and I have oredi planned for PROM! Hahaha!

Ahhh, so anyways, finally meeting up with e rest was good but I did feel a bit withdrawn. No idea why. Maybe bcoz I had been upset since morn or maybe coz I really didn't know wad to talk to the rest anymore. Like u noe maybe coz now we are at diff places, so no common topic. But anyways, we really gotta thank Janah for coordinating this and making it happen! Hahaha! SO THANK YOU JANAH KAREEM! :D

And so, its back to work for me. Still kinda pissed but guess, life moves on rite? Tmr's results day! And I prolly would be getting back all my H2 papers, so good luck to me. Plus all e best to me and my groupmates for tmr's OP. Lets go kick asses and get it right this time! Well I'm ready for the kicking ass part coz I'm so angry that I can vent all my anger on it, but ahhhh oh well, lets not turn violent. I'll lose my beauty. K wth, i should stop.



Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama