on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 , 9:10 PM


Today was nice! :)

Just too tired and only wished ppl were more enthu around :( Oh well.

So we started the day with ACES day big walk. Which was crazy! Pooja and I were damn high when we started. Then ppl started running. So unfair. Its big WALk not big RUN! Should've shot them down! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding! I didn't really bother anyway :P HAHAHAHAHA! Wanted to walk tgt with the class. But the class itself was despatched -.- Nvm. I wish our class would be MORE bonded then how it is now. Haiz, hopefully, in due time :) Anyways, was really tired after that. The food in the canteen had VERY nice smell! But sadly, I was fasting, so ya. HAHAHAHAHA! I felt as though I was gonna die any moment. But then after that we had Teacher's day concert! Which was REALLY GOOD! BETTER than the ones at JSS! Trust me! Everything is just so professional and PERFECT! Loved it! Especially the dance! But I only wished we danced too :( Haiz :( Miss dancing! :( Anyways, right after which, we rushed down to JSS bcoz JSSians ended at 12.30! And Teachers were rushing home too! :O So anyways, we cabbed down to JSS and reached on time. Saw Ms Lim when I went in. Was complaining to her about the demands for Bio in JC -.- HAHAHAHA! Then after which I joint the rest upsatirs outside the staffroom to see Mrs Aidil. They either laughed or stood shocked at my hair! -.- So hair, pls grow fast! I can't stand the DAILY embarassments at school! And Anita said I looked like a China doll -.- HAHAHAHA!

Nothing much at JSS though. Not EVERYBODY was there as well. But felt good to finally meet the gang! :) Actually I wasn't really enthu about going. But after seeing everybody, just changed my impression :) And everyone of us were really tired. Sadly. AFTER PROMOS! When there is lesser eye bags! Nicer skin! More pretty and less tired looking faces! And more imptly, LESS PIMPLES! :D HAHAHAHAHA! That sounded totally bimbo! But oh well! HAHA! Being in JSS again felt a bit weird. Dunno why. Maybe I'm too used to seeing the PJ envionment where majority of the facilities and surroundings are NEW unlike JSS where EVERYTHING is OLD! HAHAHAHA! But I did miss the oldness and to a certain extend, it felt good going back :) We left some msgs for our juniors in the EL notice board. Hope they see it :) HAHA!

So after JSS, followed the gang to Mac where they ate. All the memories at mac! Haha! But now mac has been reconstructed, so not so bad la. HAHA! And then after that went to SP to carry out my PW interview with SP, EEE lecturer. Went well :) Thank god :) But anyways, we've got loads to do by Fri! 3rd draft of WR is due then! O.o

And after that, came home AND FINALLY BROKE FAST! So happy drinking all he iced water! :D HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wad a super long and tiring day! Am exhausted all over! Didn't get to say bye to Sirin though :( Sadly :( Hope to meet her and the rest as soon as promos are over! But as for now, since it is everybody's exam season, ALL THE BEST! :)

So anyways, tmr I am having PHYSIO! :O Can you believe it, I feel so OLD! *rolls eyes* Well my neck had been giving me prblems again this year. So I went to see the doc and he said that my neck bone structure is weird, which may be the reason why it is causing pain. So he told me to go for physio and see what happens after that -.- wth. I told this to the gang and they LAUGHED! -.-

HAHAHA! So now, needa go complete work! Have loads to complete! Exams in 4 weeks! Can't wait for it to end. I feel so dead after school EVERYDAY! :(


Goodbye :)


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama