on Sunday, June 13, 2010 , 12:55 AM

We ROCK right! :D

This is ALL of us again after what seemed like ages! HAHA! GREAT to have seen all of them again! They've seriosuly grown! More mature, more sweeter, like Shawn, (either he is turning gay-er than he oredi is or he is really turning more gentlemanly! HAHA!), more stronger, or some practically, remain the same! HAHA!

Steamboat at Anita's place followed by celebrating my birthday! :) Oh and they got me new shoes for my birthday1 YIPEEEEEEEEEE! HAHA! They rock rite?! HAHA! The fun, stupidity, slowness and dumbness never dies when we're together :)

Love them! :)

Thx for making this 17th Birthday a great one! :) Haha.

Ok, am too tired! Proper update soon! Goodnight! :) Monday's the actual birthday! How cool! :) HAHA! Goodbye :)


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama