on Saturday, May 1, 2010 , 9:32 AM
Winner's creed:

We are what we have always been doing.

UCC performance is on the 12th May! Can't wait to see the stage at NUS! Practice has been going OK. But it needs more! More zest, more enthu and more.... me? Yeaaaa... :) No more blank days or blank moments! Get over it! The answer is right infront of me! Going to cousin's place later on. But am damn tired! Slept for 12hours and am still so tired! Muscle cramp! Damn! Shldn't have been too ambitious in the gym -.- Oh guess what, my left arm is stronger than my right! O.o WEIRD! But my shoulders are getting broader and my arm muscles are getting bigger! YAY! YAY! YAY! :) School on Monday for practice! HAHA! Cool or wad?! HAHA!

That's about it. Goodbye :)

P.S. Where's the passion?!


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama