on Saturday, April 24, 2010 , 10:32 PM
It sucks to ask the same question over and over again. When I thought I finally solved it, it comes back haunting again! >.< What could suck more?! I hate it when that happens. But somehow, I don't feel all down because somehow I get to explore things all over again. We'll see what is in store :)

And now, back to homeworks :)

P.S. I should have done English Lit as my H1! It seems damn fun! J2s get to go UK and stage a play during assembly! How cool?! The tests are OPEN BOOK! :D:D:D:D Only down side is that we need to write poetries :( And I ain't creative AT ALL! :( I wish I was GOOD ENOUGH to be an Arts student and not just LOOK like an Arts atudent :( Haha. But oh well!

Goodbye! :)


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama