Ok i know the reason why Shawn wants me to blog. Dear everyone, Shawn got into ACJC!!!! WOOHOO!!!! Hahahaha. Are we happy or wad?! Except i think the girls are gonna miss him cos he is in a diff sch now as well. But for me, its still e same cos none appealed into my school :(:(:( HAHAHA! Kidding. I still miss all of them :'( Anyways there's still e upcoming CNY celeb in sch and if time permits, hopefully i see e whole crazy bunch over at JSS again! Haha. Other than tht, sch has been tiring, the journey to and fro i mean. But otherwise i like it there :D I think Jianhan's right, I'm beginning to get the PJ spirit! HAHA! And we would most prob be buying our uniforms tgt on Monday. I'm excited! And there's CCA display on Mon as well and u're gonna be surprised wad I'm gonna choose if i dun like e dance standard there! Hahahaha! I'm keeping it a suspense first! Lets see if i get in! Muahahahaha! But Shawn and Durga oredi know -.- HAHA! So anyways, another embarrasing issue, i fell down n had a nasty scratch on my leg like yday while playing a game. So clumsy! Haiz... Lose face.... Haha. Tmr Durga n i are meeting up to do school shopping. Did some with mum today. And then i was too tired so came home n watched Hindi movie! HAHA! Then tmr, i'll continue it with Durga. And I can't wait for mon! Wootsy! :D As for now, I'm still very tired. Haha. Byebye (: P.S. Shawn, we're proud of u! Go join e debate there and make us proud! :D Labels: Still thinking. HELLO! PJ was not too bad. I liked it actually. Truthfully speaking I think PJ has got better facilities than JJ. The last time when we went to JJ for Debate Finals, I felt so disgusted sitting there, i dunno why. I just didn't like e place. Haha. No offence JJ-ians :) Anyways, yea school was ok, but i really can't wait to buy the uniforms! Hehe. Next up is choosing the subject combi which I've got a big headache choosing between History / Economics. Economics sound cool but i dunno if i can handle it after debate experience. Gotta talk to my mum about it later on. And then Shawn called me whille I was in school. U dunno how happy I was seeing their names appear in my caller ID. Shawn was like Hello Naz, how's things there? I was like its ok, not bad u know. How's things on your side? Then he was like boring! Haha. And then he was like u appealing? And then i was like, nope, i kinda like it here. But I'm really gonna miss them man. Haha. I called Mangsy just now. And i teared the moment I heard her voice. I dunno y at all. Will be talking to her later and I gotta meet mum later on. So i gotta go get ready now! And Shawn's on an interview at AC tdy, the school he appealed for. If he gets it, omg, i'll be so happy for him! Oh wait, but tht'll leave Mangs, Durga and Anita in JJ. OMG! Girls no hanky panky ah! Durga, especially u! Eyes off! Go siteadikuran Mangsy's brother instead! Oh Durga, got velakaran in my school la! HAHA! Now u wanna appeal? We'll excahnge places! HAHAHA! Anyways, apart from the craps, there's loads of decisions to make. Subject Combis and CCA. CCA is more or less decided. I wanna continue my Dance but maybe international dance for a change? Their SYF results seem quite good (: As for subject combi, i really hope i'll get my first choice, which I'm planning to put as H2 Maths, Chemistry, Biology and H1 MT and Hist / Econs. I gotta decide btw Hist or Econs. Oh and i almost wanted to take H2 Tamil coz i was eligible for it. But erm thinking of the fact tht I've got only 6 months left b4 the Tamil 'A's and after Lavanya telling me more about H2 tamil, i dun wanna bust tamil too. So lets just stick with H1 :D Haha. And i really hope i get bio. I really dun want Physics! My school had intro lectures tdy so that we could learn more about what each subject was about and then be more clearer with wad we decide. And i went to see physics just for curiosity purposes and i swear to god i wld never take tht up. And anyway I've go no interest in engineering, so forget it. Oh and my school uniform consists of a tie too! Cool or wad! I love ties! Except, the tie is very ugly -.- HAHA! I miss debate tie and the way the red blazers and red ties go so well tgt. HAHA! Oh well, thank me for initiating personal blazers instead of borrowing from our school SC! HAHA Yes, your welcome :D HAHAHAHA! So thick skin. Muahahaha! Haha. Ok I gotta go get ready rite now. Haha, toodles! :D Labels: So close yet so far. Ok my 100th post! I saved it specially for tdy! Today I was supposed to go to Sheraton Hotel regarding work. And i had to be there like at 8am. So i had to wake up at 6. Which was lucky for me. Because i knew i wld get my posting results at that time. So i was getting ready and at about 7 plus, my phone rang. I thought it was my boss, so cursing and swearing, i walked slowly towards it. Then i saw Sirin's no. on my caller ID. Then i was like OMGOMGOMG! So i picked up e call quickly and was like hello Sirin u got it oredi?! And then she was screaming all over n said she got into NP some marine course. Haha. I cldn't hear e course name rite even, yea shows how much she was screaming. I was like WTH, how come u get so fast! I haven't gotten it u noe! Not fair! Hahaha. But anyway i was happy for her. She got wad she wanted! So she was talking and talking and suddenly the line went cut. So i tried calling her back thinking tht in her excitement she accidently pressed the end call button. But it was engaged. And knowing her, I knew the exact reason why it was, her prepaid must've been low after calling countless ppl! HAHA! So anyway, i left her a msg and went to go tie my hair as i was waiting impatiently for my results, yes i was late for work but who cares?! I dun! Then my phone rang again and i ran into my room screaming OMGOMGOMG. And then there it was NAZIRA BANU D/O MOHD ALI, u're posted into PIONEER JC. I was like GO AND DIE! Then it was my turn to scream all over, thank God my mum was in the toilet and the only thing she could say was shut up how come u got JC?! HAHAHA! I called sirin again but she didn't pick up coz she cldn't rite. So i left her a msg again. And she called me back immediately. She was helping me scream over the phone bcoz i couldn't do it, i was oredi out n on my way to work. But funny, I dunno if I was happy or sad but I was just excited! (: Like WTH happened to my poly choices?! PJ was my 4th choice believe it or not. And my first 2 were poly choices. I dunno WTH happened but oh well a certain part of me thanks God because yea everything happens for a reason. So lets just see wad reason this has. Except, no thx God, bcoz i still gotta see assholic people in tht school. Like how sickening is that. But oh well. Shawn's asking me to appeal into JJC. But i dun wanna go in with an appeal. Its as though I'm forcing myself into a school tht does not accept me. So i dun wanna go in with a fake... mark... Though yes all of u are there. And Lavanya got into the course she wanted! (: Haha. Its ok. All the best everyone, wadeva ur postings were. I'm so happy for all of u! (: Lets just hope for a better and brighter future! So I'm meeting Jianhan tmr and we'll be on our way to PJC. Hopefully he knows e way coz I dun! HAHA! To the people starting school tmr, all e best! :) And to the people who still have got 3 more months of holiday, dun be a glutton and go get a job, it'll be worth an experience! (Hints at Sirin!) Haha. See ya world! :D Labels: Its time to wake up. 1 MORE DAY! All the best everyone! :D Labels: Its time to wake up. ![]() 2 more days! Lets count down! (: Party tmr with the girls and Shawn. And after that, most prob, we will all end up at diff places. Sad, but true. Well, we'll see wad tomorrow brings. Labels: Its time to wake up. ![]() #2 TGIF! I've never actually thanked god tht it was Friday, well atleast not this badly! Haha. This week was the most hectic week on earth! Monday was like work followed by Mangsy's place to prepare Anj's gifts. Tuesday was at airport and I was oredi tired by the time we ended up at Mccafe to chill. Wednesday was work followed by late lunch with Lavanya and following mum to go purchase her new hp. Then Thursday was work followed by Dance prac at School. And finally, yes today was work followed by meeting mum. But i got some time to chill at home though. Haha. And yes, I'm freaking tired! My eyelids are so heavy that I think I would probably drop dead on my table while typing this. But nah, I'm waiting... for something... yes despite my tiredness. Hehehe. *yawns* Anyways, just a few weeks ago, I thought I was actually growing taller because my school skirt was just nice on my knee without having the need to fold it atleast once. Then I was like yay! I'm growing taller! It was the same situation when i wore my dress to the airport on Tuesday. But today, as I was on my way to work, it was raining cats and dogs i tell u! Then i felt as though my jeans was getting wet. And when i peered down, I saw the tip of my jeans touching the road surface! God! Damn messy and disgusting! So i had to keep pulling my jeans up because it kept dropping down. This could only mean 2 things: 1) I'm losing weight and i was getting smaller for my jeans :D (which i really dun think so) and 2) I'm getting shorter! Then i thought about tht Monday when I wore my school uniform again and then I realised why my skirt was shorter, because of my big fat ASS! Damn it! Like all parts of me are getting bigger! Erm, ok, i think tht sounded wrong. For the love of god, i dun mean the butegams ofcoz! (The meaning to butegams can be found in shawn's blog. Haha. He is the only one who can describe its meaning so detailed and tht too in public! PERVERT! And i think tht is also because of me! OMG! Wad hv i done to Shawn! I have made him hornier than he NEVER was! Oh well, too bad. Haha!) So anyway Shawn, I'm publicising your blog for your infor. So if ur readership increases again, thank me (: Haha, ok forgive me for the sidetrack. I think I'm the only idiot who blogs so randomly! Haha. So anyway, i miss school :( U know, every year when the new year comes, I'll feel as though its a new year, lets make something great out of it. Somehow, there is no mood for tht at all for this year. So sad. I wonder if life begins to get boring after secondary school. Or maybe it is just me. Haha. I dunno. It still doesn't even feel as though its 2010 despite after the release of the 2009 'O' level results and when January is like almost ending! I really wonder why time passes by so fast but that is one thing which we can never get back once its gone. So anyways, I think I'm done here. Gotta send my sis for tuition tmr and after tht i wanna run back home to catch Fanaa! Wooooohoo! Haha. It has been long since i watched Hindi movies! Last week was my first after the LOOOONNNG pause! And i looooooveeee Saif Ali Khan. Not because he is hot. But because of e same reason why i looooooveeeee Surya! Muahahaha! Which ofocz, i'm not gonna tell. I feel like a crazy woman. But oh well. Goodbye :D Labels: Its time to wake up. My mum got a new phone like yesterday. She got a sony ericsson phone which she doesn't even know how to use. So i had to teach her how to use it like COUNTLESS times! The thing was that previously when she was using her Nokia phone and there's a private number calling, the screen shows as private number calling. But for sony ericsson phones, it shows as withheld. And then she went screaming eh why withheld why withheld. (See, I wasn't kidding when i said the screaming disease runs in my blood.) Then i told her the withheld means private number. And she started laughing -.- Oh god! Now i really understand how it feels like to be with me. HAHA! So guys, too bad! Live with it! Muahahahahaha! Ok so today, I had work. And after tht I rushed off to school to meet Lavanya. The kids were having dance prac, so we went to supervise! NOT!! Haha. Just go and see la. And so much for the rushing man. Lavanya made me wait for an hour! I could have atleast had my lunch first -.- Thank you man. Whoever Lavanya's boyfriend is going to be, I so pity him. Bcoz Lavanya is just never gonna learn to be punctual -.- So anyway, this time we could get into the school easily w/o the security guard pissing us off like the last time! So we stayed on and watched the practice. Somehow, just somehow, while sitting on those steps and watching those kids dance brought back LOTS of flashbacks. Haha. So then we had to leave already. The kids actually asked me if we would be coming again. OMG! So sweet! I was so touched man! Anyways, their performance is only on the 12th Feb, we'll go surprise them again tht day then :) But wait, since I've oredi written it here, its not gonna be a surprise any longer -.- Hahahaha. So anyways Lavanya and I decided to go to the canteen to get some food after that. Lavanya said she missed school food -.- like out of everything about school tht she could possibly miss, she missed school food -.- God, why do i have weird friends :( I wanted to go say hi to the uncle at the malay stall but sadly he wasn't there :( So we just said hi to Aunty Margaret and grined and nodded at the funny language tht she used which i cld never understand and never bothered to despite the 4 years being there. HAHA! Is it Chinese or Hokkien?! HAHAHA! I can't tell the difference! So anyways, we left school shortly and took the route we always took. And yes, u guessed it, memories started flooding again. I remebered this particular moment. I think it was one of those days after the second prelims. We were going home as usual and saw a lorry parked to the side of the road. We thought it was empty at first. I think it was. So we started knocking the lorry and saying hello, ofcoz not expecting a reply. Haha. We just walked pass the lorry laughing our heads off. Just as we passed it, e lorry began to start up! U know those quirky disgusting engine sounds. I freaked out and yes, screamed. Together with me Durga and Lavanya screamed as well. Ofcoz, as expected, Durga's scream was fake and bimbotic. She screams only when someone else screams, to give the bimbotic feel. LMAO! Haha and then we all bursted into laughters and tht didn't stop till we reached the bus stop! Haha. I dunno why I suddenly got reminded of tht incident. There were no lorries parked to the side of the road at all. Haha. But oh well, I'm gonna miss all of such memories. Haha. So anyway, tmr its back to work. I really hope I can go back to school again to watch the debate. But lets just pray, I manage to finish calling up all 130 contacts in 3hrs :) Well other than tht, goodbye (: P.S. I'm seriously counting down to e 27th! I want my first choice! I want SP!! Well, we'll just see how things go (: Labels: LOOK BEYOND THERE'S SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS=) 190110, marks the day Anjelica Goh Ai Ling migrated to Perth :'( *Sobs* We all still can't believe tht she just left actually! It only hit me tht she was leaving when she went into the departure hall and started jumping and waving to us. Haha. Anyways, Anj babe, you would be missed miserably, well atleast by me! Haha. So basically, yesterday we cramped up at Mangsy's place as usual and started doing all the paper work for Anj's departure. Ok wait tht sounded funny. Basically we were making a scrap book filled with all our memories since e time we got to know her. And also personal messages written by us ofcoz, and some teachers, Mdm Priya, Mrs Aidil and Mr Boay. So yes, we had to go back to school. And we saw Mr Wan. I lied th we were leaving to perth but ofcoz he didn't believe. Then after tht he said we look like relief teachers. Then Mangs and I started saying oh ya we were relief teachers just for tdy. Then i continued by saying tht we were leaving to Perth after tht. AND HE BELIEVED!!!! HAHAHAHA! Mr Wan is soooooooo gullible! Ok so after school, we quickly rushed to the airport as planned. But unfortunately for us, nothing goes according to plan because most of the time, someone's late. But this time, EVERYBODY WAS LATE! How cool is tht??! HAHAHA! So yes, our plans got delayed. We reached the airport late. Anj came on time. We had to hide e rest as Shawn n I went forward to greet them saying tht the rest couldn't make it, acting terribly sorry ofcoz. So she believed and we carried on with our plan :D So we finished the last minute touch ups to the book and then it was TIME! To tell Anj the truth. But the girls spoilt it by saying tht they needed to go to the toilet -.- So we tried smuggling them in. But she had to turn at the wrong time. But thank god she wasn't wearing her specs, so she couldn't see clearly. But luckily, we managed to hide behind the wall on time. And, Shawn and Anita bumped into each other in the midst of tht. HAHA! But i dunno why Shawn n I went to hide with them as well when she had oredi seen us! HAHAHA! So realising tht, I came out of hiding and realised she was looking for us to take a photo, so she came running! And BOO! She saw them! And they all screamed! I swear, I didn't scream for the very first time in my life! Shawn n I were just like, oh crap! Plan got ruined.... AS USUAL.... Haha! Like it runs in EL blood! Haha. So yea, surprise was over. Gifts given. Pictures taken. Group talk turned into more like a bimbo talk. Haha. And it was time for her to leave :( Hopefully we can go over to perth to see Anj! HOPEFULLY! but anyways, tc Anj, we'll miss and love u like a million dozen times! Wait did tht make sense? -.- Nvm... So tmr, I've got work :(:(:( So sad. And we were supposed to go catch a movie, but i dunno if we are. Oh! I just realised, our discussion for the movie got stopped halfway! Hahaha. Oh well, we'll continue it some other time. OH! And something super FUNNY happened tdy! But i dun think i wld wanna blog abt it bcoz it wld be like mocking someone publicly. So lets just keep it within us! HAHAHAHA! See ya folks! :D Labels: Tmr will be an even better day (: I look at the poeple who are in the position tht i longed to be in. But reality hits me and I have to face the unfriendly truth tht says u're nowhere close to them, forget it! Its not bad to dream right? But some tell me tht the fact tht I feel super disappointed is because I tried to reach out too high, forgetting tht I'm only up till this level. Somehow I feel tht those are cowardly talks tht forces you to stay within ur barriers and not breakfree from them. But i ask myself, did i break free? Nah! Who am I to talk then? Then i asked myself wad did I do wrong? And then it hits me! I was too busy trying to be perfect... (yet again, the same mistake) :'( I'm still trying to sort tht out of me permanently. But I'm just glad tht I've gotten myself back on track. Permanently, I mean. (This is why I always need Mdm Priya, to start me off. But then again, I gotta learn how to do it on my own!) So next week, most prob we'll be catching Did You Hear About the Morgans! Woots! And OMG! Anj is leaving next week! Hell, tht was DUPER FAST! If only i could Anj, I'll run to Perth with you! But nonetheless, you know tht we all love you (: Goodbye world! (: P.S. It takes a Hero to change the world. But any normal person can contribute to make the world look better (: Labels: Tmr will be an even better day (: I wanna say alot of things, but nothing comes out properly when i look at my keyboard to type it down. So anyways i feel very moodless nowadays. Yesterday was a LOOONG day. Went to school to meet Mdm Priya, then went to SP and after tht met up with Kanchana. Mdm Priya always manages to snap me off from my thoughts and get me back on track and Kanchana never fails to say everything on my mind even b4 i speak a word. Haha. But still, the guilt, the disappointment (and yes, fine, i'll accept it, maybe a little depression). Yes, as Kanchana said, dun harp on it. But i dunno. Nvm, I wanna go watch did u hear abt the Morgans! Next week maybe? Till then, I gotta fight the 2 weeks of anxiety and hopefully, God gives me any choices from the 1st to the 4th. But i'll be double happy if i get my first! P.S. I want my optimistic self back. And how i wish i can start again from a baby. But alas, I can only wish. Goodbye (: Labels: Tmr will be an even better day (: HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY TAN YAN TENG! I Love people born on the 14th of any month! Prolly because... -.- I'm born on the 14th too. HAHA! So anyways, tmr's e last day for application day, so pray for me and hopefully I'll sceam again after my postings. HAHA! Thank you (: As for the rest of the ppl, all the best as well! (: And as for now, byebye! :D Labels: Two of a kind Hello. Soooo... I screwed it :( I don't think tht was my best at all! Though i THOUGHT I did try my best. Well, I'm happy for my A-Maths grade though (: And i actually passed physics with a B4! Haha. And seriously, screw humanities! Again, my L1R5 was pulled down so low thx to tht! SCREW HUMANITIES! But i did improve by 4 grades though, but still, it was bad :( So anyway, lets just look at wad can be done from here la. Oh but b4 tht, I need to thank all the teachers who were talking me into cheering up and saying tht my score is actually not bad when seriously, u could have just said it into my face tht it sucked! And i think i kept screaming "I'm gonna kick so & so's ass!" yesterday. Haha. So sry, i was pissed at myself. But anyways, its over, and those papers are here rite infront of my face. So its time to decide wad to do next. And I'm deciding a poly. So we'll see how things work out bcoz I'm sure there would be loads of competition, considering the fact tht e whole of Singapore sat for their 'O's. Haha. Oh and i think God hates me, but its ok, i still love him (: I'm sry for failing loads n loads of people. But i think maybe now its time to really decide wad i want instead. So yea, this is really it. Byebye Jurong Sec and hello Ngee Ann / Singapore? Haha. Okays tht's it then, i'll update again soon (: P.S. I'M NOT DEPRESSED N I WLD DEFINITELY NOT DRINK RAT POISON! Haha (: Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM Ok so a few hours left and that's it BOOMS! Results are out! Am counting down for tht. so i've decided to watch Ice Age to kill time today. haha. Ok i noe tht was super random! But hu cares! Haha. Open houses at NP & SP were great! We got super hungry and tired by the time we finished touring e whole of NP. Oh NP was our first stop. So then Durga and i sorta got kinda crappy and as we were waiting for the shuttle bus to bring us back to Clementi MRT station, we kept screaming our lungs off. But ofcoz, as imagined, I wld've screamed e most. I dunno why. I think it runs in my blood. Oops! Haha. So we met quite a no. of seniors who strangled us for saying tht we were not quite interested in polys but we are just there to see wad is poly life like so tht we can be open to more choices. Haha! Oh and Durga, Mangsy and I got our blood groups tested at NP! Like finally i know wad is my blood group after like 16 years of my life! So results were tht Mangsy, Lavanya and I were B+ and Durga, was an O+. See why she's titled as the cow of the family (: Haha. So after tht, we finally approached a place to dine at. And Durga was telling us about a horny joke tht she watched at youtube. OMG! It was duper horny tht i stopped eating n stood up and was looking for a pillar to hug as i was laughing, vibrating vigorously more likely! HAHAHAHA! Seeing tht, the others only laughed even more! -.- Suckers! Hahaha. Then we finally reached SP. And SP was duper crowded i say! And we were super tired by the time we reached there. So we just went in and collected the booklets they gave and stood and stared at the stage tht was put up by them. And then suddenly Durga saw something or maybe a someone! Then Durga and i did the stupidest thing on earth! But its ok, its good to try something different once in a while, rite shree? :D Haha. And the rest were being such meanies! So after the scoldings and punchings, we decided to head back home (: Then yday was our school's CCA display. So Shawn, Mangsy and I went back to help out and also to return our blazers which we had been keeping for awfully too long! Haha. So we crapped with the teachers and majority were telling us to get ready for Monday -.- As expected! Haha! School seemed different in just a few months since we graduated! haha. It was great seeing all of them again! (: But we'll be seeing them again tmr. Oh and Mrs Aidil found a new way to tie her tudung. And her purpose of tht is so tht she can wear more necklaces -.- See why EL kids are getting bimbo-er? Just blame it on the teachers :D Haha. Oh and also, yesterday, i got lost in Singapore. How sad. But ofcoz, i found my way back (: Haha. So tmr is going to be THE day! As Ishu calls it, the aapu day! Oh i can almost see it coming! But then again, lets just try acting VERY optimistic like Mrs Aidil! Like no one does it better than herself (: haha. So we'll see wad's up tmr. And for now, byebye :D Labels: Its time to wake up. Ok so news are out, rumours are spread, people are getting mentally prepared, 2009 'O' LEVEL RESULTS ARE OUT ON THE 11th OF JANUARY 2010! Exciting stuff huh? Well, its exciting enough considering the nervous situation we'll be put thru for abt an hour! I'm getting mentally prepared as well. Wish me all the luck I can get pls! On the less stressful note, today we're gonna go check out NP & SP open houses. Next wk would be the JCs turn. But since results are coming out earlier, we gotta reschedule! Its ok, I'll take care of tht (: Oh and yesterday Mangs and I went for our class chalet. We didn't go e day b4 coz Mangs wasn't feeling well. Why is everybody not feeling well nowadays? I still haven't been cured fully u noe! And Shawn recovers in like a day! -.- I tell u wad, lets just blame e weather and get on with it! Anyways class chalet was ok (: But we didn't stay too long. I was oredi duper tired and crappy by the time i reached home! Haha. They each hv their own reasons why. Haha! Soooo..... I'll go get ready now :D Bye! Labels: Its time to wake up. I've been kinda lazy to blog recently actually. One, is because I'm scared for making more n more mistakes in my spelling! That is gonna be SUPER embarrassing! Haha! And another, I really am very lazy to blog! HAHAHA! So anyway, today, Durga, Shawn and I met up with Amanda(our coach) for lunch at Orchard! Followed by Ben & Jerry's ice cream! Great Great Great day! Oh and ofcoz, not forgetting e camwhoring session tht took place while we were at Dampsell (did i spell this correctly? Haiz...) for Ben & Jerry's. So, all in all, great day spent! :D Pictures up in Amanda's camera. Thk God! I've got nothing to upload this time :D:D:D HAHAHA! So we'll wait for her to upload. After which we'll tag and then flood each other's email! Haha. So tmr, which is gonna be later in the morning, its 4/5 class chalet! WOOTS WOOTS WOOTS! I'm excited! (: So i'll be meeting Mangsy near her place and then we'll head off there! Yay. Goodnight (: I can't sleep actually, as usual, I'll see wad i can do today (: Oh and Shawn got e fevers this time! HAHAHA! Get well soon dude! Oh and if it is confirmed (I pray hard it is, i dun want plans getting cancelled again!) NP & SP open houses this Friday. I can't wait for AC open house! Well bcoz i wanna see their dance. But let me see my results first (:(:(: And OH! OH! OH! I FINALLY WATCHED AVATAR! Yesterday was like e happiest moment of my life! WOOHOO!!! I LOVE BLUE CREATURES!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! AVATAR! AVATAR! AVATAR! Hahaha, goodnight (: P.S. I need to lose weight :( Which i will, but just, not now (: Toodles! Labels: Two of a kind |
![]() Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama
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