on Thursday, December 31, 2009 , 8:45 PM
Ok THIS IS IT! New Year's eve! And tmr's 2010! How exciting!?!?! I know it is this point of time people prepare their New Year's Resolution. I'm not gonna do tht because I know myself, I either never fulfill them or totally forget about them along the way! HAHA! So instead, I just wanna reflect about this year first. Bcoz, seriously, alot of things happened this year.

2009 like 2008 or 2007 was a major learning journey for me. Except I feel, it is the year I learnt the most! 2009, the year i turned 16. 16 sounds young and mischievous (GOD! I hope I spelt tht correctly as well! MANGSY / SHAWNY! Correct me PLS!) I dunno why ppl named it sweet 16 but I think every year had its own sweetness. It just depends on the way we see it (:

I rmb Jan when we stepped into Sec 4 and Mangala was telling me tht she was scared for tht year. And i guess i was probably the only idiot who was excited for it! I dunno why but I just felt tht it was a new year with new changes, new beginnings and maybe a time for me to find out wad i really was and wad i really could do. Jan was crazy, the only thing i rmbed was us being so crazy and laughing all the way. I wanted 2009 to be the year whereby we could put aside wadeva tht happened in 2008 and just be tht same big group again like it was in 2007. But then again, the same thing never happens twice and like wad Mangsy said, somethings were just not possible. I wanted very much to prove her wrong then. But sadly it never did happen. And like wad she said tht same big group never came about again in the end. But i rmb this day in Tamil class whereby Mrs Subas did no lesson and we practically formed our own groups and crapped throughout tht period. Tht was the day we were all tgt just laughing our heads off as we tried to talk backwords. Haha. Even Mrs Subas tried it. Haha! And after tht, it was down to serious business. 'O's 'O's 'O's!

Then there came Feb, March and April whereby we had the Cultural Night, SYF and ofcoz not forgetting Julia Gabriel Debate Competition. This was where i had to choose 2 out of the 3 tht was happening. Bcoz I know I cannot handle too much responsibilities all at one go. And tht too at an important year like this one, I didn't wanna screw it up. But i did screw it up in the end! Haha. Anyways. So i chose debate and dance. Bcoz i definitely wldn't give up my dance. And as for debate and drama, i liked debate more. Hence i chose tht. But it was hard opting out of the drama SYF bcoz i really wanted to do SYF this year! And tht was possible only through drama. I dunno how shawn managed through the rehearsels and debate training dates which seemed to be clashing every week! HAHA! But i ain't as perfect as him (: As usual, dance went fine and as i said b4, people actually said tht Indian Dance improved alot throughout the years! Wad could bring us more happiness than tht! Though we wanted to enter SYFs and all as well, our school's low budget could not afford tht :( As for debate, it was a time i learnt the most I wld say. I'm sry for all those moments I was so sad and simply refused to pour out wad i was feeling but the truth, I realised tht i was trying so hard to be perfect tht i was so scared of losing and eventually forgot my capabilities. But ofcoz, I learnt that, tht is not the way it should be. Working towards perfection is ok but it is not ok when not wanting to lose becomes the only drive in ur head. This is where u will really loose everything tht u actually had. I only thank God I didn't reach tht lvl (: And through the difficult times we all faced, i learnt wad is the meaning of love. No matter wad happened, we remained close and supportive of each other. Ofcoz we can't fail to thank Mrs Aidil enough for being so supportive and fighting for us all as well. Truthfully speaking, it was the debate competition and drama syf tht brought us all close together (: and never in my life would i forget those moments (: The laughters we shared esp tht day at the IT resource room while preparing for CCA display! HAHA! Oh wait, was tht in 2008?? HAHA! Whichever one it was, it was those fun and crazy moments I'm talking about (:

May skidded pass very fast. And soon came June and July. June was the preparation for prelim 1 while July was the actual prelim itself. After tht period, laughters stopped and quietness grew. Probably bcoz the whole level didn't do so well for the first prelims. Well I did extremely bad to start with! Haha! I rmbed tht tht was the period i had to fight against many emotional set backs. Things were bad, at home. And i wldn't forget tht 1 and a half hours i spent talking out everything to Sirin when we met up in the library to study actually. Haha. And Sirin, thk u loads for tht (: Oh and ofcoz, everyone who wished me a sweet 16 and even took the trouble to buy me gifts, spend time with me and celebrate it with me during tht June hol break when u guys cld be using tht time to study instead. Those moments did cheer me up, ALOT in fact (: So thk u for tht. Though things are different now, i wldn't forget the good moments we all shared.

Then which came August whereby it was my first time being titled as a compulsory case during parent-teacher-meet session. Yea it was embarassing. But now thinking back, I realised, it no longer is. As i said, it really depends on how you look at things (:

And then September was our second prelims and also teachers' day concert. A moment, my class got closer (: Also a time whereby I got my stiff neck! HAHA! Ofcoz, not forgetting the moment of truth tht was awaiting me. So September wasn't a good time, but my L1R5 did imrpove! (: But still not as good as lending me in a good JC. Maybe the only place I could have ended up with tht score wld be Innova?! Haha.

So October and Novemver finally came. And the 'O's too finally came. The moment where I got to understand a lot of things. Such as not giving up and wad is it like being a teacher (:

Then the 'O's were finally over and there came grad lunch whereby it was like, I wldn't be seeing these crazy ppl anymore! Tht got me drowning into extreme sadness but Ms Lim's words rang into my ears again! "As u move on, rmb to look back at the good times u had and cherish them". I realised then tht though time passes by so fast and no one can change the fact tht 16 years of my life has passed swiftly, the memories, good or bad wld forever be etched in my memory. And dear friends, even those tht i only knew for a short period of time, each of you hv left a great impact in my life and though i regretted at sec 1 for entering JSS, after meeting wonderful ppl and all those moments we shared tgt, my feelings and appreciation could not be expressed in any other greater way than just 3 simple words and tht is I LOVE YOU! (:

After such emotional moments, i started spending more time with myself to go explore the big world and find out wad my area of interest really is. And if there is one 2009's resolution tht i fulfilled, tht wld be this one, as far as i can rmb. Haha! And though my pay creates a big hooha, it wasn't tht tht brought me total happiness. But it was abt learning more abt wad i could do with my life tht completed the circle of happiness. And ofcoz, I cannot thank God enough for letting me see tht advert in the newspaper. Haha.

To sum it all up, this year had been whacky, crazy, teary and most of all, the time for new beginnings. Not forgetting the time whereby i learnt more abt relationships. Whether it was abt family, friendship or more. I know tht I have told Mangs tht i felt as though i'm being shoved from one party to another. But no matter wad rite guys, I'm not regretting wadeva tht happened, be it this year or the last, whether i made the right or wrong decisions, bcoz w/o those we wldn't have learnt and grown to be stronger and more sophisticated, and most imptly, face the realities of life.

So to end it off, I just wanna thank God for giving me a great 2009 and letting me meet great ppl in life. I dunno wad is in store in years to come but I am just excited.

And Lastly, HAPPY 2010 to all & all the best for results all sexy JSSians! (:


on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 , 8:48 PM
I'm feeling all feverish tdy! So sad! :(

Anyways, met Mangsy tdy for lunch. Yes despite my fever, Mangs, be happy! Oh but meeting up with Mangs just sent my fever flying away! HAHA! (This is where u should be honoured Mangs)

Anyways, it started with Mangsy getting lost in the new boon lay interchange. HAHA! So i met her in jp itself! I was cold all over the moment I entered but thankfully Mangsy was there, to give me some warmth :D Wait... tht sounded wrong rite! Haha! Anyways, so we headed off to LJS for lunch. We spent some time deciding where we should sit. While doing tht, we were making a fool of ourselves, as usual! HAHA, and yes, as expected, people were starring at us! But hey, who cares! HAHA! So we got a seat and then Mangsy went off to buy lunch for e both of us. I was too weak to go stand amongst e long queue! Ofcoz, Mangs was being such a dear and agreed to help me with it! HAHA! Thx babe! (: So after lunch and talking, we went to popular to meet Mangsy's sisters. They were there buying books for Swrna and erm.... sry i forgot... but basically things she needed for her first day of school! :D Hehe. Its so fast, the other levels are beginning school again next week oredi while we have to wait impatiently for our results! :( Seriously speaking, I'm nervous, but also I can't wait for results to come out so tht i can start school again. I dunno why, but I'm just excited for 2010. Whether results are good or bad, I'm just excited for 2010! :D Oh and hell, popular was bloody crowded tdy! So Mangsy and i decided to go to the toilet and kill time there ofcoz while doing more talking! HAHA! After which we went to Chamelon. I still had some things left to get u know. Oh and my mum actually banned me from shopping after spending over 80 bucks at bugis on sunday. But ofcoz, I totally ignored tht! (: I've still got something left to get, but not now, I'm sick! (and not in the mind!) Haha. So after shopping at chamelon, i decided i had to head back, bcoz my body cld take it no longer :(

And oh, i think my house is haunted! Things keep leaking or spoiling here! HAHA! When i reached home, my sis was telling the whole world tht my heater was leaking. So we had to call the plumber and get it fixed. Oh and also, we celebrated my dad's birthday tdy but his bday is actually tmr. But my cousins were leaving like tdy, so we decided to do it tgt instead :) And tmr's New Years' Day eve! And my Aunty is coming back from India tmr as well! WOOTS! WOOTS! WOOTS! :D

Meanwhile, Shawn and i are planning for all the open houses to go to! I can't wait actually! Hehe. So we'll see how things turn up.

Till then,
byebye world (:

Oh and b4 i forget, I STILL LOVE U MANGSYYY!!!!:D:D:D And next time when u go jp, do rmb to look at the photo outside GIORDANO!!!! HAHAHA! Ok i agree now, I'm sick in the mind!! HAHA!


on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 , 10:19 PM

Outing tmr got cancelled again :(:(:( Anyways, hope to meet up with Mangsy tmr! Miss her LOADS! Byebye! I think I'm gonna get sick again! :(:(:(


on , 7:58 PM
HELLO. Today, I was terribly sick, for a few hours that is! HAHA! My body's temp is going up and down just like the weather. That sux! :( This reminds me of something tht happened in one of my dreams.

Me: Sirin, why is the escalator rising up like a mountain?
Sirin: I dunno, could be due to the weather.
Me: Yea, could be.

Stupid rite! HAHA! I know! Haven't told this to Sirin yet. HAHA! But it was a WEIRD dream like ages back! HAHA! I bet Shawn remembers this! HAHA! So anyway, today was a super boring day! But its ok, tmr will be a brand new day!(: Tamil class outing! Like finally! Yay! :D

Oh and ofcoz, not forgetting, 3 more days to 2010! :D

Update again soon. Byebye! :D

P.S. I spelt CIRCUMSTANCES as SURCOMSTANCES! OH NOOO! Am i turning into another Amanda??! Yikes!!


on Monday, December 28, 2009 , 9:08 PM
"Throughout this competition, I've learnt that people love more than they hate."
-Sezairi Sezali

Its kinda nice to hear people say that (: Nonetheless, I still love Sylvia more! Haha. And I'm kinda biased on tht well because she's a female and i really thot it was going to be a female idol this year. But, hey, expect the unexpected! And Sezairi's not tht bad too (: Haha.

So today, I finally went to cut my hair! WOOHOOOOO!!! Its up till my shoulders now! Woots! Previously, it was up till my waist. So you can imagine the amount of hair chopped off! Hahaha! Oh and plans today with Primary School Kiddos got cancelled due to unexpected last minute interruptions. Somehow, that keeps happening. But I'm getting the heck of it, because I'm beginning to like it! Hahahaha! Weird? Wadeva! :D So Wed, tamil class outing! And I haven't planned wad time to meet and all. I'm so dead! :O


See ya folks! (:

P.S. Its funny how reality can be twisted and turned to form a lie. Yup, nobody is perfect, but hey whoever said you could take that for granted?


on , 1:49 AM
Shopping today was great! I fulfilled my LOOOONG wish list! Muahahahaha! Best of all, I fit into everything! Woots! Hahahaha! Plus I used my own money! (:(:(:(: && mummy liked my taste too! Woots! Well, except the part whereby I went over budget! But hell who cares! First month salary, spent fruitfully (well only to me)! Haha.

Tata folks! I can't sleep and I can't play pet society in facebook as well! So sad! Goodbye!

4 more days to 2010! :D


on Saturday, December 26, 2009 , 7:28 PM
Ok, I'm gonna sound as Sophisticated as possible! All my other posts sound retarded and childish like wad Shawn said -.- (I'm only agreeing with you on this u asshole! So, cut the ego again!)

Oh, I'm typing with just one finger! Its kinda cool! Hehehehehehe! :D:D:D So anyways, plans today got cancelled! Both tennis and shopping :(:(:( Anyway tennis is getting re scheduled to I think next wk (Yes, Shawn, I fulfilled ur orders. Well except for #6! I'm not gonna kiss narnia u dodo!). And so is shopping! Tmr shopping with Durgashreeeeee!!!! Woohoo!!!! I did some tdy anyway. Haha! Sry shreee!!! If I do everything tmr, I wldn't be able to finish!!! HAHA! Yes, I've got a LOOONG list. But hey, its xmas rite. The joy of giving. So I'm gonna give myself all the presents I've wanted! Muahahahaha! Fine. Wadeva.

So anyways, caught Alvin & the chipmunks like 2 days back. And I saw Sirin there! Wad a coincidence! Haha. But I didn't quite enjoy the movie. On a whole, average. I stil want AVATAR!!! *Screams!

Ok, I'm done here. Will be back tmr, I hope :D Just hope nothing comes up tmr and plans dun get cancelled! I'm praying! God, plsssss, I need to shop! May Durga or I dun get any interuptions in our plans! Also, just in case, let our parents have good moods! :D:D:D Hehehe!

HOHOHO! Merry Christmas! Goodbye! :D


on Friday, December 25, 2009 , 6:01 PM


on Thursday, December 24, 2009 , 12:49 PM

Merry Christmas Eve everybody! :D I'm gonna go watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 later on with my sis and cousin :D Can't wait for the movie! Woots! :D Till then, I'll sit at home and discover the wonders of my new phone! Hahahaha! Toodles everybody! :D


on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 , 11:41 PM
I GOT A NEW PHONE! As I said in yesterday's post! Hahaha! So here's a picture of it! :D:D:D

Only diff is my phone is pink on the inside and white on the outside! Haha, something different from all the red stuffs that i've got! Hahahaha! Plus i do like white anyway! So... WOOTS! I Love my phone! Only prob now is, I gotta get used to it! Hahaha! Its touch screen at the top and the key pads are normal! Like thank god! I cannot use a phone tht is touch screen all over!! HAHAHA!

So anyways, tmr am going to catch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 with sis and cousin. Was supposed to go watch Avatar tdy but too bad the kids dun seem interested :( So anyone interested in Avatar?? CALL ME! Hahahaha! Yea. Tht's it, good night world! :D:D:D


on Tuesday, December 22, 2009 , 8:46 PM
I'm gonna get a new phone tmr! YAY! YAY! YAY! Woohoooooo! I'm so happy! Ok tdy was a boring day, well atleast for me. Haha. Because plans for tennis got cancelled :( But its postponed to the weekends so its ok! :D:D:D So tmr I've planned to go catch Avatar with my sis but haven't told mummy yet. So not confirmed again. Then after movie, will be meeting mummy after her work to go get my new phone! YIPEEEE! Then no plans on thurs :( Then 25th is out with family! WOOTS! Then 26th is tennis followed by shopping, REAL shopping! And as I said b4, I'm gonna shop till I literally drop! Muahahahaha! Its just, I haven't figured who to drag along with me yet! Haha! Then 27th is usual boring day again. Followed by 28th which is a day out with primary school friends. Then tamil class outing on 29th if everyone can make it. Then no plans on 30th yet. And finally 31st is daddy's birthday and the day when my Aunty comes back from India! Woots!! Then its 2010 baby! WOOHOOOOOOOOO! Hahahahaha!

And this is how the last 2 weeks of my 2009 is going to be like. Hahahaha! Tht's it then. Update soon! Toodles! :D


on Monday, December 21, 2009 , 9:34 PM

Ok to start out with my poor comy crashed and hence I cldn't blog for the past 4 days :( So sad. Haha. And its not as though there's so much to blog about anyway. Haha.

So work ended and I have been free for the past 4 days! Muahahaha! And I got my pay only on Friday not on Thurs. My boss wasn't there to sign the cheque so we had to get her brother who wasn't in the office as well -.- Oh my boss and her brother work in the same company. Its a bloody complicated story. But well basically, this is it. Haha. So I had to go back on Friday and I wasn't feeling well. So i was travelling in the MRT with a dripping nose and I kept sneezing! IRRITATING! I hate it when I get a flu! Like SERIOUSLY! I guess everyone does anyway! Haha! So anyway, got e cheque then went to the bank to cash out the money and the bloody bank was closed! Standard Chartered work like british hours! Dang! So anyways, today I went to go cash out the money from the bank. And I'd never stepped into a bank w/o my mommy. So tdy was worth an experience! Hahaha! And not bad, I didn't embarass myself! Well except the part whereby I was trying to get the queue no but well I can't thank god enough tht I dun suck as badly in acting! Hahaha! So, no one noticed! Muahahahaha! Haha.

Then after the whole crazy banking experience, went to JP to meet Janah, Sirin, Anita and Yukie. Yea it was like a 2/3ian gathering. Haha. So we went to pizza hut to have lunch erm at 4pm. Late Lunch! Hahaha! Then proceeded to super bowl near school to, bowl, OBVIOUSLY! Haha. And I sucked duper badly the first round! Janah was such a PRO! Haha! She hit like a 111! Haha! Then 2nd game she started slacking! AWWW! Bad Janah! Bad Janah! Hahahaha! Then, from the last in the first game, I started leading the second game! 2 STRIKES! WOOTS! Beginner's luck la! Hahaha! Then erm the bloody ball kept hitting the gutter the consequent turns, so i ended up 3rd at the end of the game! -.- Well atleast I improved! Haha! But, Oh Oh!! I wanna do it again! Woots! Hahahaha! Oh and and... nvm... shall not say and embarass Anita again! Hahaha! But well, she did smth stupid again! Hahahaha! So anyways, bowling tdy was crazy! Sirin and I kept screaming when anyone hit the pins! Haha! And when I striked, I was shocked myself! Hahahaha! Heck, I ain't so bad eh! Woots! I LOVE BOWLING! WOOHOOOOO!!! :D:D:D:D:D Haha.

So Tennis was supposedly postponed to tmr. Gotta call Durga soon to confirm! I've never played tennis also! Haha! I miss school Badminton! Haha. Those crazy moments with Mangala and Yan Teng! Hahahaha! Crazy people, crazy life! Hahaha!

Toodles! Catch ya soon!(:


on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 , 9:19 PM
YAY YAY YAY! Tmr is my last day at work because my boss left for overseas and I dun hv any more tasks to complete! Woohooooooooo! Plus I'll be receiving my pay tmr as well! :D YAY! Then I'll only begin work again next yr January! YAY! I can spend more time with Family & Friends now :D Woots! Haha! Plus Plus no more Shirley (boss's secretary)! She has a voice tht sounds like Shawn's Chinese Teacher! Haha! No offence!

Anyways, Cousins are staying over at my place from tdy till I dunno when! So that equals to more fun! Woohoooo!! Haha!

And then I was catching Vaaranam Aayiram this morning b4 going off to work, and this song caught my attention! It was the song I used to be madly in love with! Haha! Enjoy! Oh for non-indian friends, sry! Its in tamil! Haha! But its a nice song! So ENJOY! :D Oh and for translations, dun ask me! :O Haha!

Update again soon! Bye! Bye! :D


on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 , 9:31 PM
Its so GREAT to hear people around you getting jobs as well! All the best you guys!(:

Anyways, today I saw an old lady looking just like GANUSH! OMGOMGOMG! I almost freaked out! Oh btw, Ganush is the scary old woman in Drag me to hell. The disgusting, kinda lesbian woman who goes around biting woman in the mouth! EWWWWWWWWWW! And after which, vomiting over them! And their vomit looks like minced meat! EWWWWWWWWWW! So anyways, something to wake me up in the morning! :D

Work tdy was GREAT! Coz I pulled off early!(: Haha!

And I'm so sad D: Mangs just left to I dunno which part of Malaysia tdy! I think Port Dickson or smth! ASS! I'm gonna miss you! Chow back fast! :D

Ok, Work again tmr. And my boss is leaving overseas too :( So sad. I dun like her secretary! >.<

And outing on the 17th cancelled coz both Sirin and I cldn't make it! Haha! So postponed to next wk! Tennis on Friday! Hope I can make it!

Ok tht's it, goodbye! (:


on Sunday, December 13, 2009 , 8:35 PM
I've got weird family members. I was sleeping and my mum came into my room and shouted my name. When she realised I was awake, she was like "Have u eaten?" -.- And I was like "yea i had dinner while I was asleep." Like WTH rite. No wonder I end up this way too, all weird! HAHA!

I also have very weird classmates. Xinwei says he'll link me up at his blog because I'm good at dancing -.- As for KS, his blog is all army-ish! Yes we all know he writes army stories for compos and how hard it is to understand them! Oops, No offence dude, I told u b4 oredi! Hahaha. But its just so weird tht ppl wld actually like an army skin to be their blog skin. Or maybe, its just a guy thing?! Hahahaha! OH wait, isn't KS NPCC? HAHA! Wadeva, NCC uniform still looks prettier than NPCC's! Hahaha! Dun ask me why, I'm gonna say smth stupid like maybe NCC uniform has nicer prints than NPCC's! Hahahahaha! And Shawn's gonna say this is retarded again! -.- Wadeva! I've got nothing to do with UG! (: PA rocks as it is! Muahahaha!

Ok so work today was MARVELLOUS! Excluding the part whereby the kids come and bang and knock you over just to get a balloon -.- I was supposed to be promoting the kids dance I suppose, but it sorta turned out into me distributing balloons! Hahaha! I was actually surprised tht ppl were actually interested for the dancing courses. Like u noe ppl, they would be hesitant to try new things but its just heart warming to see tht they actually wanna learn dancing just as a form of exercise or even better, to perform it at their own wedding (as a couple dance-the newly weds dance kinda thing)! Like WOW! never new such Singaporeans existed! HAHA! And I say, expo was CRAZZZZZZZZYYY! I loved it! After their usual church services, they had a FIESTA whereby they sell things at like the lowest prices, It was like a mini Singapre sale! Haha! And because there are sales, u can imagine how kiasu Singaporeans are, so u can definitely imagine the crowd there! It was like BOOM BOOM BOOM! Hahaha! (Oh and something random, I'm listening to the radio as I'm typing this and their talking about the Talibans. HAHA! So reminds me of debate! Ok, Wadeva!) People were screaming, going crazy and practically clapping and cheering on their buddies in the small competitions arranged for them. WOW! The experince was great! Haha! But I only wished I did a better job in promoting the dance to the parents :( Haha. Oh well, I'll just take it as a learning point(: So work tmr as usual, GOD, i think I'm gonna die soon :( And I think I've got work the whole of nxt wk too :( So I dunno wad's gonna happen to the outings planned :O Haha. We'll see how things go then. Oh and my boss wants to see me dance tmr! OMGOMGOMG! Like WTH, I haven't danced since... Teacher's Day! "Dear God, may I NOT screw up!" Haha. I'm gonna dance in front of profressionals who have been dancing for like 10++ years. When me on the other hand, have only been dancing for like 2 years! But I quite like the idea. Show them Indian Dance and wad we do(: Like tht there'll be more centres teaching Indian Dance in the long run! Woots! In other words, I wldn't have much difficulty looking for a centre in the near future! Hahaha! Well, we'll see how things go. Apart from a crazy wk tht just passed by, my life rocks like a million times!!(: Haha, yea tht's it. Goodbye world!(:


on Saturday, December 12, 2009 , 9:25 PM
You know I realise there are LOADS of ppl born on November and December and tht LOADS of weddings take place during November and December as well! Ladies actually marry and give birth on the same time of the year! Haha! Weird human mentality.

Ok so today we celebrated Anita's and Shawn's Birthday. Sry, BELATED birthday! Haha! Shawn's was on Oct while Anita's was last month. October was a really busy period for all of us plus Shawn was too lazy to go for Ms Vijay's lesson during our study break. So too bad, he had to wait! Haha. We cldn't celebrate Anita's birthday as well bcoz she pangseh-ed our supposed tennis day to smth else. Erm... I forgot wad. Ok nvm. But its ok. Haha. The birthday season is over! Mine was the first eh? I'm e oldest EL senior! Hahaha! And i thot i was oredi the latest one.

Anyway, so Lavanya and I met up at JP tdy to get both Anita's and Shawn's present while Durga and Mangala got Anita's cake. We were supposed to be there at 3. I was 10 mins late and Lavanya.... was 45 mins LATE! Like WTH rite, its ok, I'm used to tht -.- Haha, so we quickly got Anita's and Shawn's present and rushed to meet the others at Shawn's bus stop but they were late too. Haha! So we had to be there at 4pm but we all gathered only at 5pm! -.- Hahaha! Poor Shawn, its ok, experience waiting for ur girlfriend in future! Haha! OK so we headed over to Anita's place soon after. But the prob was none of us knew how to get there! So we called Anita's sister and she gave us some directions. And then when we reached her house, I called her sister to help us get anita out so tht we can surprise her with the cake but then, Mangala and Durga forgot the candles and the knife! Hahahaha! Somehow, I'm beginning to like plans tht go all wrong! Haha! So it went like tht. Me on the line. The others were in the midst of the commotion.

Me: "Sry Geetha akka, can you wait for a while" *Puts phone away* EH GUYS! SHUT UP!
Everyone: Blank look
Mangala: Naz! We forgot the candles!
Me: "Geetha akka, I'll call you back" WAD!??!!
Everyone: *Burst out laughing"

See why plans tht go wrong are way fun-ner! Hahaha! So basically, Anita found out the surprise bcoz of Shawn's BIG HEAD! She peeped out from above! But anyway, she was shocked tht we were even there. So its ok, plan still went well!(: Then Anita's parents bought us all Old Chang kee and her mum even cooked for us! So sweet rite! I know! Woots! Haha. So Anita cut her cake, everyone ate it plus the the Old Chang kee ofcoz! Oh and not forgetting the Ferrero Rochers! Hahahaha. Then after tht I had to quickly leave to prepare Shawn's surprise. His went a bit messy. Sry Shawn!:( So I lied tht I had to go home fast and left. Anita left with me pretending tht she was showing me the way to her bus stop. So Anita and I went to 399 near sch instead and quickly bought Shawn a cake and then I went back to a playground near Anita's house to set up the cake while Anita left to fetch the rest, lying to Shawn tht we were going to take pics there. Haha. But those pigs came too fast! The candle wasn't even sitting on the cake properly! Mangala was like "Naz wad u doing here?" And then I was like "Shit! Wad do I say?" So i just turned and was grinning all over! And tht's when the candle dropped! Ok it was just slanting down actually. We somehow made it stand still again and then lighted it up! Shawn was shocked too! Hahaha! At first he was like "Hey second cake? For my birthday ah? Thk u ah Thk u!" Then he was like "Eh really ah?!" Hahahaha! We actually planned to smash the cake on his face bcoz he deserved it for all those times he bullied us! But well, he was too fast! Haha. (Cut the ego dude!) Then it was present time for both Shawn and Anita, followed by pics pics and more PICS! Hahaha! (Hey, PICS, do fly ok! So dun mock me for asking where!) We got Anita a wallet(: And Shawn a new bag!(: Hope you guys like it!(:

Yea tht's it. Detailed enough guys?! Dun say I keep screaming again! Am so happy all the birthdays went well and maybe mostly as planned well excluding the punctuality part (Hehe, Not my fault! Blame my hair!), the price tag removal! (Haha, sry cow!) and finally shawn's surprise! Hahaha. But nonetheless, everyone was surprised! Woots! Tht's the point! Ok party's over, ppl, u guys owe me loads of money! HAHAHAHA! Kidding! I LOVE U GUYS! Next Friday tennis / badminton pls! I'm scared of the tennis ball! Hahaha! Durg, tell me if u need help with the booking of place(:

Ok tmr there's work again! Balloons settled!(:Gotta wake up like super early again! I'm gonna be duper tired! But I think I'll be off after the 16th next wk! YAY! 2010's on its way n so is christmas! Woots! Haha! Oh but 2010 is equal to the release of results! Whoa! No more woots! Hahahaha! Kidding. Goodbye world! :D


on Friday, December 11, 2009 , 8:56 PM
Do you think I'm special?
Do you think I'm nice?
Am I bright enough to shine in your spaces?
Between the noise you hear
And the sound you like
Are we just sinking in an ocean of faces?
-One republic, all the right moves

Today an Angmoh guy lifted up his tee juz when I was walking behind him n adjusted his underwear. It was black. Thereafter he turned behind n looked at me!??!! EW EW EW EW EW! Duper DISGUSTING! Wad's with guys nowadays?! SICK!

So anyway, this wk's work done!(: And on Sunday, I'm needed to go to a church. It'll be kinda weird coz I've nvr been to one, but well, its for e job. I'm quite excited actually, bcoz we're supposed to be promoting some children latin dancing. And I'm in charge of the balloon man! Hahahaha! But well tht dude hasn't called me yet! I nvr knew balloon's were this expensive! Seriously! Its worth ALOT of dresses and blouses and skirts and pants n jackets & & blink blink stuff! Haha. But well, who's paying? NOT ME! Hahahaha. This wk has been AWESOME! :D More to come nxt week n e week after! Meeting up with primary school friends as well like after 4 years! Woots! Can't wait! Ok, bye for now. Update tmr!(:


on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 , 8:38 PM
Today was work followed by meeting Mangs and Durgs at JP. I was late to work, hence I had to stay later than needed. But heck, I didn't mind, so long as I finished wad I wanted to(: So in the end by the time I left the place, those 2 oredi finished their shopping at IMM. So they went to JP instead and I met them there. I was all crazy! I dunno why! And after tht we were running all over JP bcoz we were hiding from someone, or maybe some ppl. Rite Durga? Haha. So after tht we went to Mac and had ice cream, Sundae tht is! Woots! But in the end I was duper tired, the other 2 as well. They'd been walking ALOT! And I'd been sitting down and enduring my neck cramps! And i thot it was only a one-time effect! Who knew, they'll come back! I hope I dun get paralyzed at a young age! NOOOOOO! I still gotta danceeeeee! Ok, Lame. Heck, I'm tired. Bye. I can't wait to end this week! Yes, I Love my job but then again its not very fun w/o friends around you:( Haha. Girls, and yes you too Shawn, miss all of you like crazy! SAT SAT SAT!!! And next wk too! Wait, wad are we doing nxt week? Aiya, Just msg me. Goodbye world!(:


on Monday, December 7, 2009 , 9:31 PM
Shawn: It’s amazing how boredom makes Barney’s dancing, singing and plastic smile entertaining.

I KNOW! Hahaha! And Barney doesn't hv a plastic smile, he's mouth is just shaped tht way. And believe it or not, i used to love barney like crazy till i realised how lame tht show was! And even my 11 year old sis says tht Power Rangers are boring and lame when i used to watch them n love them like crazy again till i was like wad 14? Hahahaha! OMG! I'm so childish!!!!! *Screams!*

Ok, BREAKING NEWS, I'm an Aunty now!!!!! Well, I'm not sure how good tht sounds. On one part, yes I'm so happy for my cousin sis bcoz she just gave birth to a baby boy, like how great is tht! Haha. And on the other part, Aunty makes me sound kinda OLD. Hahaha! But well, I'm a Aunty now! Woohoooooooo! I wonder wad their gonna name him. Hmmmm.... Haha.

Oh and guess wad, I've got work like e whole of this week except for sat which wld also be filled by the girls! Haha! Oh and tdy went to catch new moon with my sis and cousin, the girls cldn't make it. Sad. But they oredi watched it, plus 2 others had no interest in new moon at all! Haha! So my very first salary, all spent on just a movie. Plus I treated the kids. Can u believe it, me treating them? I was so happy! Like ya one thing was tht I've got no money with me now but well, I'm happy spending them on loved ones(: Oh and I'm in team Jacob! I think he looks HOT after he cuts his hair, or basically, remove his wig! Hahaha! Sry shreeeee! Oh and I'm excited for work! I cld probably be e only weirdo who looks forward to work, but hey, I LOVE MY JOB! Hahaha! And sirin, i know u're jealous of my pay! Hahahaha! But too bad! :P

I'm not looking forward for next week, sry Sirin, but yes, for you, be happy! Anyways, one of the reasons why I need sch, I'm not myself w/o it. Like I so miss my laugh-non-stop self. I can't do tht with adults can I? Haha! And if growing up means I wld hv to stop being so crazy, then I'd rather stay 16, someone, make me into a vampire! I wanna stay young and crazy. Rite, i know, lame. Ok moving on, but hell, the adults I work with are filthy rich! Another goal in my life, is to be as rich! For tht, I need a good job and for tht I gotta do well at sch to get the qualifications. Now tht narrows down to my 'O' results. Like why e hell did I bring tht up?! YES, I'm bloody nervous for it! Ok I've still got months b4 I get duper nervous for the results, so till then lets get tht subject out of the mind first. But hey, I wanna be rich when I grow up! I wanna buy a mansion, a big, huge, gigantic car and yea the list goes on n on. Ok I'll shut up now. Oh and 'N' level results are out on the 18th it seems, all the best to all 'N' level-ers!

Ok, tht's it, will update soon. *Toodles!* Goodbye world :D


on Sunday, December 6, 2009 , 2:22 PM
Job yesterday was great! The people there were so nice! They smile at you even when they dun know you! Cool eh? Like I mean who does tht in Singapore nowadays? I DUN! Haha. They'll probably think u're some weirdo! Haha. Well basically my job was to be a receptionist at a function. It was a farewell party for some dancers. They just graduated from the school of dance i think. So cool! I never knew there was such thing around! Haha! So basically I was the receptionist and i had to tick the names of the people who came for the function and pass them some certificates. Easy rite? I know, but it was super boring but i was allowed to watch the performances, so all in all, I still had fun! Haha, but not e sch kinda fun bcoz i was probably the youngest there and was working with 26 and 40+ year olds! Haha, but they were fun ppl! And its not everyday whereby u see ppl who are so nice despite being the first meeting! Haha. So i got my first pay, not too much. But i liked the job(: Haha! Met a few eye candies, actually only one, haha! Ok, kidding on tht. And you know wad the best part of it all was, i got another job offer! Believe it or not! But i dunno exactly wad the job is, haha, I'll be going to check it out on Tuesday. And finally someone speaks the same language as me. I'm not looking for a job for experience but actually to learn something so tht u noe, I roughly find out wad my interest is in and work towards them in years to come! I so thank god i saw tht advert in e newspaper! Haha, if not wld I hv met them? Nah! DESTINY. Funny, I never believed in it b4. Haha. So yea tht's abt it. I dun like Sunday and I've got no plans for tmr, SHREEEEEEEEEEEEE (bimbo style-haha!), new moonnnnnnnnn plsssssss!!!!!!


New Beginning on Saturday, December 5, 2009 , 11:49 AM
Heyhey! Yea changed my blog skin again! Haha! This is Nice! Black and Pink! But ofcos, Black and Red combi would be nicer! Rite Sirin? Anyways, first job starts in about 6 hours! Kinda excited! Coz I'll be in town! Woohoooooo!!! Haha. Tuition today cancelled bcoz sissy went with mommy and daddy to JB. YES! I'm all alone at home. Haiz, so sad :( Its ok, I've got books, computer and TV to accompany me till like 5! :D Plus not forgetting, I borrowed like countless DVDs from Lavanya and my cousin! Muahahahaha! Ok Wadeva, Computer's boring me. I'm going to the TV next. Haha!

Goodbye! Won't be here till tmr! Bcoz work ends at 11 today! Yikes! I'm scared to travel home alone! Nonetheless, have to. Haha! Byebye bloggy! :D


on Friday, December 4, 2009 , 6:32 PM

Days are getting boring nowadays:( But I've got more outings planned up! But my top priority, is to get a job. I declined e one I got thru Rishab. Why? He knows. So its ok. Its a looooooooong story! Sry Rishab and thx(:

So today, I went for an interview at an optometry. So the manager interviewed me and then she started explaining to me abt the eye. Haha! I dunno if i've gotten the job yet bcoz she has yet to call me up. Just to play safe, I called up a childcare centre b4 tht bcoz they were looking for teachers n told them abt me and Mangala. So they'll call us back when they want. So its either this or tht. But seriously speaking, I'm kinda pessimistic over the childcare centre job but compared to the one at the optometry, I think I'd rather do e childcare centre job. Haha! Oh Sirin, if u're reading this, i can give u the number for the childcare centre if u want. But i've got no idea where the venue is. Haha. Aiya, I'll call u later la! Am duper tired now!

Apart from the daily job which I've yet to get, I've got 2 other jobs. Which is not a daily thing. One is tuition. But it is tuition to my own sis -.- And my mum is paying me. But not too much. Grrrr! But its ok, better than nothing(: So tht starts tmr. And then I got an admin job at a DANCE STUDIO! So cool eh?! Woohoo! But I only have to be there when they've got concerts -.- So tht ain't a daily job as well. Anyway, tht job starts tmr as well. They've got a performance tmr. But I dunno if I'm allowed to go see. I hope I am! :D

Apart from jobs, my life has been crazy and CRAZY this week! Haha. Monday was job hunt, so it was a pissing off day. Then Tuesday was stay at home day. Like yay! I didn't hv to go hunt for jobs(: Then Wed was lunch-shop-lib day with Mangala. Haha. Yea we did all three at JP! But we didn't buy any clothes yet. Haha. But I will, as soon as I get me salary tht is! Hehe!(: Then Thursday was movie day cum Durga's birthday celebration at Durga's house. And 3 cheers for me, I acted so well! Muahahahaha! Well except for the last part whereby Anita and I forgot to remove the price tag from Durga's present. Haha! Oh and the part whereby I was like "Durga... your specs very nice ah, can I see..." when Mangala was about to smash the cake in Durga's face! Haha! She guessed it alright! Sry Mangs! Haha! Nevertheless, plan still went well! Woohoo! And Durga did get cake all over her face :D:D:D:D Pics up but I'm very lazy to post. Hehe. So I'll post in fb tht is, when I want. Muahahahaha!

So tmr is the busy day! Wish me luck! I've still got Tuesday's outing to coordinate. Haiz, I'M TIRED! Rite, tht gives me no excuse. Let me say just one thing. IT SUCKS TO BE ON HOLIDAY! Ok, bye! :D


on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 , 8:47 AM
HELLO! Ok, I know yesterday sucked but its ok, its a brand new day tdy! Rise and shine everybody! Woohoo! Training starts tmr. Am nervous but excited at the same time. Wish me luck! Oh and ofcoz not forgetting,


Haha. Bye!


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama