on Thursday, November 19, 2009 , 8:56 PM
To rupini:
Sry for rushing into things but i dun take back wad i said bcoz tht has been more or less wad i've been wanting to say but thot tht it didn't matter anymore n nopes i dun hate u as well. I never did in fact despite wrongly thinking tht tht post was referring to me (though my post sounded mean n as if i hated u, hate is a very strong word my dear). And yes i still find as though u contradict but i'm glad u noe tht u can't judge me or my group of friends. Just like how i can't judge u or ur group of friends which if u read carefully, i didnt. Anyways am glad ur life has moved on like mine and i wish u all the best in finding out wad u always wanted, i mean, urself. Its funny how u can contradict not being friends and not being enemies at the same time but anyways, like wad i said before everything's over n it doesn't bother me anymore. Life is very beautiful indeed and there's lots of things sometimes we can't express in words, till now i've never found out why tht is so but for our case, i suggest we both leave them behind n move on with our own lifes bcoz there's more to both our lifes than just rupini or nazira. Thx for the wishes and again god bless and all e best.

Today we went to catch 2012! Like finally! GOD love tht movie! Mangs was crying oredi! Haha. To those hu haven't caught it, i suggest go catch it! Like seriously! When we came out of the theatre we were like, oh look, singapore's still in place! Haha. nice movie, sad, but nice. Humanity. Impt msg frm it. Ok am super tired! Nothing much to say other than, go catch it! Tmr there's our EL farewell party. Like thk god tht's in the afternoon can sleep till so late! Haha. Oh guess wad, i made it on time tdy! Not bad, i managed to keep my promise. But ahem! Some ppl came late! Haha. ok, kidding. Can finally catch America's next top model tdy! Can u believe it, I was anticipating Wed n Thurs for Singapore Idol and America's next top model. yes i noe, I'm weird.


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