on Saturday, November 21, 2009 , 11:00 PM
Its my turn Shawn,


Haha. Today's plans got cancelled due to someone pangseh-ing us last minute. Ok kidding. I understand dude! So went to Aunty's place instead. And everybody was in a super bad mood! Ooooh! But nah, me changed everything! See all the reasons why I'm supposed to be proud of myself! Che! Ok, wadeva. Haha. Anyways. Am seriously tired after the long day and my bad hair day happens to be today. Oh maybe it was due to all the water bombs yday. I just realised, why did everybody have to aim at my hair?! Nonsense ppl! Anyways, am still looking for a job. I see squares now after staring at all the squares in the newspaper for a long time. Haha! Anyways, wish me n Sirin luck, next week's e date! Funny, I'm excited! Haha. Yes i noe, I'm weird!
Goodbye, Off to play Anj's guitar. Gotta surrender it to Shawn tmr. Shawn, better take good care of it. Bye guitar, mummy'll miss you. Haha. Goodbye world(:


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