TIME CHECK: 4 DAYS Being strong makes you beautiful This is it The clock is ticking The feeling is awful But the end product, is just awesome! Break a leg! Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM=) Michael jackson - Heal the world There's A Place In Your Heart And I Know That It Is Love And This Place Could Be Much Brighter Than Tomorrow And If You Really Try You'll Find There's No NeedTo Cry In This Place You'll Feel There's No Hurt Or Sorrow There Are WaysTo Get There If You Care EnoughFor The Living Make A Little Space Make A Better Place... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me If You Want To Know Why There's A Love That Cannot Lie Love Is Strong It Only Cares For Joyful Giving If We Try We Shall SeeIn This Bliss We Cannot Feel Fear Or Dread We Stop Existing And Start Living Then It Feels That Always Love's Enough For Us Growing So Make A Better World Make A Better World... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me And The Dream We Were Conceived In Will Reveal A Joyful Face And The World We Once Believed In Will Shine Again In Grace Then Why Do We Keep Strangling LifeWound This Earth Crucify Its Soul Though It's Plain To See This World Is Heavenly Be God's Glow We Could Fly So High Let Our Spirits Never Die In My Heart I Feel You Are All My Brothers Create A World With No Fear Together We'll Cry Happy Tears See The Nations Turn Their SwordsInto Plowshares We Could Really Get There If You Cared Enough For The Living Make A Little Space To Make A Better Place... Heal The World Make It A Better Place For You And For Me And The Entire Human Race There Are People Dying If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me Its funny, how the mind forgets, but the heart doesn't(: Anyways, TIME CHECK: 8 DAYS Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM=) TIME CHECK: 10 DAYS Bongus Bongus Bongus! The head goes Bongus! Woohoo! Me going crazy! It was the last day of school today! Damn I'm gonna miss so many people! ELDDS, Dance, 4/5, the fourth floor crazy maniacs for their craziness and some 4/3 ians. I almost cried today when Ms Lim was talking to us at the end of the day while giving our report books. And for the first time today, I actually paid attention while Ms Tham was talking! Hah! Sorry for the rudeness but I think it was quite motivating erm... apart from her lame secondary school story which when she shared the whole cohort started laughing. Haha! We were being such meanies but oh well, shit happens! I can't wait for 'O's to end and i definitely can't wait for 14th November! The day of Graduation Lunch! Muahahahaha! See, even the teachers decide that we should graduate on such a nice date. Oh! Oh! I was born on the 14th! Though not on November but who cares man! I rock! My birthday rocks! Sec 4s rock! And woohoo! Graduation Lunch is gonna rock people's pants off! Yipee! Ok... too high. Relaxing... Relaxing... Relaxing... I'm sorry dear bloggy, my sis said something stupid and made me so high. Haha! Well where on earth would i be without her! haha. Oh Oh, Mangs, If u're reading this, Hint Hint: Remember what happened on i think Monday (Swrna), possibility for my sister too! God and my sis is younger than yours! And its not something which i should be saying here but haha, no one else knows what tht hint hint is! Hahahaha! Ok... you can kill me on Tuesday. To all the rest of the sec 4s and 5s, all the best for the 'O's baby! Last lap, last chance and i hope u all get what u want! Oh and to all Hindu friends and people, HAPPY DEEPAVALI and Shawn Lim JunTa, HAPY BIRTHDAY you! We love you!=) Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM=) HELLO! Quite a number of things happened this week. And though i dun show that I'm hurt, I noe that there's always this one person who stands by me and ask "Naz... are u ok?" Though i lie, this person just knows perfectly how I'm feeling inside and needless to say, she is there to make me laugh with her stupidity and forget all my worries. I used to wonder why does betrayal always happen to me. I used to wonder why was i so unlucky. But somehow i failed to recognise the ones who were adding colours to my life and that in actual fact, I am the luckiest person in the world. Surrounded by the bestest people I can ever imagine. Lavanya, Sirin, Mangala, Shawn, Anita and Durga, you people will not be forgotten for eternity. The people who were there to help me pull through my difficult moments. People say i appear strong but the truth is, it is you people who make me strong and confident each day and what else can i ask for? Sirin and Lavanya, I noe u two are going through quite difficult moments recently. Lavanya never speaks about it but i noe she's hurt, very badly but not showing, but I'm happy to see her laughing more with us nowadays. As for Sirin, your problem is one I can't help much bcoz of the sensitivity in tht issue and I'm sorry. But i can see u getting brighter day after day and I'm happy that that bus trip was worth it after all. Well we have to thank the battousai guy for lying to us that the bus will be coming in 2 mins! haha! Never knew he could drama so well! haha! anyways, u guys, u dunno how thankful i am to have u people in my life. Do rmb that i'm always appreciative of the things you people did for me. So mangs, dun say tht again ok! Even if it is juz for fun! Life is like a roller coaster ride. With ups and downs. Each time the roller coaster goes up we tell ourselves to hold onto the railings tightly and each time the roller coaster goes down, we assure ourselves that we can relax for a while. However in life, despite the ups and downs, we learn something new everyday. each time changing ourselves and rebooting our machines so that we'll be ready to face the tougher challenges ahead. Along this path is where many people come into your life. it is among this people that you have to choose the right ones. The right ones who allow u to be urself when you're with them. It took me 4 years to decide the right ones for me. And i really hope i've found the right ones now. No one said life was easy but as we pass by each phase rmb to look back and think back about the good moments you had and treasure them. This was said by Ms Lim. Thank you Ms Lim! You have motivated me so much today. Allowing me to overcome this thing which was in me for the pass few months. With all that said, did i tell u? My Life is the most beautiful thing that I have ever experienced. Humans may be the cause for all sorts of destruction but think on the bright side, Humans are the cause for all the love one can get and without it, humans will be nothing but zombies. Love makes the world go round. hardwork pays and rmb bitterness comes before sweetness! never forgotten! Lastly, TIME CHECK: 17 DAYS Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM=) Time Check: 26 days! Life is beautiful, But it's complicated, & we barely make it. If it is to be, It is up to me. Labels: COGITO ERGO SUM=) |
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