Woohoo! Today was great fun with the ex co! They rocked! We watched Ice age 3. Not the 3D one though. The ticket was like $10! Forget it! Haha! So yea, then we took lots and lots and lots of photos! Hahas! And then came home and watched the day after tomorrow! Gosh I LOVE THAT MOVIE! I watched it like e 4th time I think! Haha! And no, I'm not bored of it! I liked e father-and-son relationship in that movie. Was kinda nice to see(: Anyways, am going Lavanya's house tomorrow. Its a bit weird that I'm going out like this instead of studying at home. Hahas see wad studying during e june hols has done to me! Haha! Actually I'm kinda sad today. I dunno why. Hmmmmm.... Nah dunno why. Guess I;ll be better after seeing the rest tmr! Yipeee! 13th July 2009, had a blast with the EL ex co! They rocked! We'll arrange more crazy outings once 'O's are over alrighty! Muahahahahahahha!!! P.S. Rupini, get well soon. That's it. Goodnight world(: Labels: I LOVE MY LIFE=) |
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