Boom Boom Pow! on Saturday, July 11, 2009 , 11:05 PM
Guess wad, this is my 15th post! Happy 14th post to e previous one! Haha! Okay that was lame. Anyway was out e whole day. Shopping, followed by cleaning and finally eating. They are all opposite of each other! Hahas! I gotta lose weight man, so after today no more fast food! Nono, after this holiday, no more fast food! Hahahaha! Am super excited for Monday! And tues plans got confirmed! Yipee! So I'll be out the whole of this holiday! Woohoo! I'm lovin it(:

See this random pic, yea I miss school and all those crazy times! Hahas! 2 and a half months to go. Sad sad sad life. Blahblahblah! Hmmm... nothing else to say oredi which is so unlike of me. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Bugis rocks!....... Harry potter was cuter in chamber of secrets..... I like emma watson's hair in chamber of secrets, but i still love mine e best(: ............ Shit it! I've ran out of stuffs to say! Ah Heck!

Oh and something random. I owe more red stuffs then yellow. So get this straight, I LOVE RED! REDREDREDREDRED! Haha.I love yellow too but not as much as I love red though! Hahas! LMAO!

And so lastly,
See ya dude!


Nazira 140693 WGPS JSS :D PJ! Dance Debate Drama